Sunday, December 7, 2008

Remind me

I havent been posting, because theres been so many changes in my life recently...and so many of it, am not happy with and so many of it, I'd rather not remember...

But then I went back to my old posts and remembered just how much I like to write, so I thought why not write again...

I just got in from work...its my first job in 3months and my first day of work.
I had a good time.

What else do I write?... lol
I think that is about it...I have an exam on Monday that I have NOT studied for...and today is Sunday lol... Old habits are hard to break...

peace, love and oreocookies.


Chika said...

Good luck Sweetness!

The Activist said...

Hey sis, whatever you are going thru, just remember you are tougher!

Read you comment on Assimiliation Vs Tradition adn I know you are one strong woman

Best of luck sis

Anonymous said...

hey is this a comeback post or a checking-in post?
go study for ur exam!!

James Tubman said...

peace and love babygurl

cant wait to see your next post

i am squirming in my chair just dying to see it

c'mon tell us whats going on

Diary of a Mad Soul Sista said...

Chicka, thank you!!!

thank you and am glad that there are strong females everywhere...wish we could all have a strong women conference! lol we'd do wonders with this world

lol i did okay for the exam and thanks. That was a checking-in post. But I am now, back...

ohhh... would you know it! i got both...peace and arent those the best gifts in the world?
thank you. I updated.

The Activist said...

You are welcome. There are some initiatives about strong women coming together. AWID did one in South Africa last Nov. I was happy to be there...
